Saturday, February 14, 2015

Work, its Deadline and Happiness

"When we postpone our work or study,
 we feel good for current moment. 
But when time comes to complete work, we feel sad or bad. So, do your work on time"...Hrc

What is work?
Activities which we do at every moment is work. According to "Shrimad Bhagavat Gita" (Wikipedia link), one can't live any moment without work.

Why we postpone our work?
Most of the time we think there will be more time on tomorrow than today. So, we postpone our work. Is it really like that? All days has 24 hours. When we have no plan for tomorrow, we thought there will be more time on tomorrow than today. Still, when we have plan for tomorrow, our priority make us to postpone work for tomorrow.

Many of time people postpone their today's happiness for tomorrow. They think that, they should work today and will enjoy tomorrow in relax mood. Think sincerely with yourself, Is this really work?. We haven't seen tomorrow yet and we don't have control over time. Postponing happiness for tomorrow makes you sad for today and tomorrow has no end because exception of mind are more than what we think, mind's exceptions always change with time. So, never postpone your happiness for tomorrow.

Postpone office work for tomorrow.
When you postpone your daily office work, you may be feeling good and enjoying current moment, but when time comes; you need to complete work in frustration because your important work is urgent work now. When you are enjoying parties or your favorite joy, there is always worry that "can we enjoy same like today in future?". If you complete work today itself, you are free from worry and you can enjoy current moment.    

Postpone your love wish for tomorrow.
When you postpone your love wish for tomorrow, there are always chances to lose loved one. For details about love check out  "Love and its Simplicity". If you postpone your love wish, other person may present his/her wish with loved one. So, always express your love on time to be free from tension of losing some loved one.

Moral is:"Compete your work on time today itself, live your life for today and plan for tomorrow's happiness, joy; don't worry about work."

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Love and its Simplicity

"Love is simple,
 but people make it complex;
when they have fear in mind to lose one to whom they love"...Hrc

What is Love?
When you have love on someone, it may be your friend, love for parent, love for pets; what it really mean? When you love someone, you enjoys his/her presence, you care him/her and mainly you don't want to lose his/her focus from you.

But when you think you are losing attention or focus of loved one, you create artificial environment to strengthen relation. But, are these things really needed? When you have fear to lose loved one, you makes relation more complex and artificial, so that both can't left each other. Love is nature of soul and soul already know what is better for it. But our tendency of adding artificiality and complexity overwrites soul nature and this seeds creation of distance in both loved ones.

Love is simple and deep in nature of soul. It is more than attraction of both, more than distraction in between both. If you both really love each other then have some faith in the relation. Love cures every problem in between. But when you have doubt on relation, you fears to lose loved one and makes love a complex thing.

Sweetness of love is in its simplicity and transparency of faith. Its not in complexity and artificiality of relation.   
Moral is: "Love is simple. Never create artificiality and complexity in love. When you have fear to lose loved one, have some faith in the relation, give some time for relation and every problem dissolves in time"

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Universe and achievable Things

"Everything is achievable in this universe.
 Thought comes in our mind because it exists in this universe.
 It just near to achievement procedure which we need to follow."...Hrc

Why thoughts come in our min? Have you think on it before?
The thoughts of our mind are just reflection of what we have seen before. You never got any thought about the thing which we haven't seen before. If you are thinking, you got thought which you haven't seen or know about that; memorize the events well and you will find, you already know those things. The thing which already there in the universe and we have some clue about that, we get thoughts related to that only. 
Sometimes you think your imagination can violate this, but think sincerely to yourself; Haven't you copied your imagination from environment or nature? 

The true thing is, our soul is part of this universe and thoughts come in our mind, so it is also the part of our universe. Nothing is there in our thought which is not present in this universe and which we can't achieve.

What is achievable in this universe?
There is nothing in this universe which we can't achieve. If you have thought of something then it must be present in there. So, problem is not in thing but problem is in us. We always stuck in thoughts about- "How should we achieve it?" rather than we must concentrate on one path and follow it strictly. The post of "Success and Ways to achieve it" may help you know more about success and alternatives. Success or thing which we want to achieve is just near to the procedure of achievement. Mind always want alternatives to prove "why we can't achieve it?", if we control the mind and acquire knowledge about "how it should be achieved?", it will be more helpful to us.

Moral is: "Never get stuck in whether things to achieve is there in this universe or not. It is there in the universe and just near to achievement procedure we need to  follow strictly."

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Photography and Life

"Photography is an art to capture an object good 
from where we are looking at it; not from where it looks good. 
Life is same like photography, 
capture all moments good in every situation and condition"...Hrc

In the photography, we have camera with good specifications. If we give same specification camera to two photographers, still we get different photos of same object. Though the camera is same, object capturing ability and attitude is different of both photographers. The real photographer is one who captures photo well from where he is looking at object; not from where the object looks good.

Same applies to life also, the attitude to look at life; is camera in case of photography. The situations , people whom we are interacting in day to life are objects of life.
We must accept every situation of life and capture it well with our good attitude to look at situation. In life, we get rare chances to look at object from where it looks good. Most of the time we need to look at object good from our location. So, attitude of acceptance can make us happy, satisfied for all time.

Moral is: "Photography is skill to capture object good from where we are looking at it. In case of life, our attitude to look at object decides quality (ability to gain happiness from) of photo (situation/condition)."

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Value of Relations with respective to Time

"Never break old relations to bind new one, 
otherwise you will be alone one day"...Hrc

What relation is?
Relation is binding of two souls which shares their happiness, sorrow, work etc. with each other. They like presence of each other. When there is problem in between and they both solve problem together, it makes relation more stronger than before.

Why human need relations?
Human is a social animal. Human always feels security with dear ones. There are other animals on earth those feels security when they are alone; example. Tiger (Wild animal). Its human nature which makes him to be in relation of friendship or any other type with any other soul. 
Making relation with others is human nature but to maintain relation for long time is our skill. We must maintain a relation for long time for better life.

Most of the time when there is drastic change in location of residency or education or work place, we move forward from old relations to new one, because old relations were there at old locations and they can't help us at new place or we can't maintain both old and new at same time.
But, is it right to break old ones and engage with new ones?   
Absolutely not, we must have to maintain both ones.

There was a man who is living was in a village named "Gokarnaa". He was enjoying his life with his family and friend circle. One day due to his work, he needed to travel long distance from home to other city. He also made new friends in new city. But as time passes, he forgot his old village friends and engaged with new city friends. He didn't contacted village friends for long time. Village friends got engaged in their daily work and also forgot him. The Man enjoying his city life with city friends. After completion of work, he came back to village. He left his city friends back and tried to recall old village friends but he got nothing. After long period of depression, he tired to contact city friends. But due to long time passed; city friends forgot him.
So, due to not maintaining old and new relations, the man becomes alone at last. 

Moral is:"Friendship with new people is human nature, but to maintain them for long time is our skills. We must learn to handle old and new relations at same time. Other wise we will be alone one day"