Saturday, January 31, 2015

Knowledge, Implementation and Belief in comparison with Eagle

"Eagle flies high in the sky with belief that hot
air and wings will never drop him down to earth surface. So, believe your knowledge and implementation skills in such a way that it will never take you to failure"...Hrc

For to go high in the sky, eagle waves his wings towards sky to go high. When eagle is there in higher skies, he just have belief in hot air and his wings; to be stable there. Eagle just floats on hot air breezes with his big wings and observer earth surface to check where to land.

Our knowledge is like hot air breezes and implementation skills are our wings. 

Hot air breezes allow eagle to be stable in higher skies. When there is no hot air breezes in the sky, eagle need to wave his wings to be at higher sky. Same applies to we also, our knowledge helps us to acquire and be there at higher positions of success in the society. When we are not updated to new knowledge, this absence of hot air breezes of knowledge doesn't help us to be there at higher positions.

When there is no hot air, eagle need to wave his wings to go high in the sky.
Same in our case also, when there are many people with same knowledge level, implementation skills help people to go higher. One who implements well his knowledge, can acquire success early.

But belief in self is more important than knowledge and implementation skills.
Eagle has belief in his wings, that's why eagle dare to look at higher sky. Eagle belief in hot air breezes, so he never waves his wings in higher sky. Still he is there in higher skies.
So, we also must belief in our-self, our knowledge and implementation skills.

Moral is:"You can acquire knowledge and implementation skills. But when you believes them completely, your personality shines more than ever before."

Mind as River Water

"Calm your mind like a river water, 
then only you can be one with sea of knowledge and can roar like waves of sea"...Hrc

How water come on earth surface?
Sun rays heat the water surface of sea. Vaporized water goes up in the sky and forms clouds. Clouds moves with air movement and when cool air come near to clouds, rain starts.

Sea is same like divine soul with infinite knowledge and we are like water drops, which are part of sea water but need to reach there to test infinity of divine soul. 

River water-flow always create rapid or whitewater turbulence (waves in disordered manner) at source of its water; like wise we are before acquiring knowledge. We are disturbed, confused etc. 

When there is sufficient water in riverbed, it is always calm. River is always calm in middle of its journey. In same manner we are, when we have incomplete but sufficient knowledge to survive; our mind becomes calm.

When river comes close to sea, its riverbed is so wide, calm and finally river becomes one with sea water. Same like, when we are close to answer of our curious questions, our mind becomes broad and ready to accept answer. At last when one have enlightenment (Nirvaana according to Lord Buddha), mind roars like sea waves and becomes calm forever; same like water in deep of sea is more stable than water of upper surface or water near seashores.

Moral is:"You are one part of divine soul like a water drop which comes from sea. You just need to calm your mind like river water to enter sea of knowledge."

Friday, January 30, 2015

Waste of someone becomes Treasure for someone else

"Everything is special in this universe, 
a waste thread thrown by human
 becomes treasure for a bird to build her nest beautiful"...Hrc

If you observe wild life very carefully, you may be familiar with this example.

There was a tree with lots of branches on it. There was a branch which is very near to earth. That branch was dried up. For now, that branch becomes waste for that tree. 

One little elephant came there and separated that branch from tree. Little elephant was playing with that branch. The waste of tree becomes treasure for little elephant, as playing with that branch giving him joy. After sometime elephant left that branch on earth.

After some days, decaying process of branch started and it becomes treasure for small insects for their food. Waste of little elephant became treasure of insects. When branch decayed completely, insects left it because it was waste for them now.

Decayed branch works good as fertilizer for earth. It was a treasure for earth bushes, small plants. Like this branch completed its journey with treasure or waste of someone.

Moral is: "Every thing is special, treasure in this universe. We just need attitude towards thing to make it treasure or waste. Everything is beautiful on this earth, waste of someone becomes treasure for someone else"

Universe and Its Love for you

"Every child is same for a mother,
 like wise you are for this universe; 
you just need to feel the love of this universe"...Hrc

Sun rays are same for everyone.
When sun rises early in morning, sun never do difference in his children. Same light is served to every one. But due to closed windows we all can't take light, heat in same manner and quantity. When there are clouds in the sky, rays stops sometimes, but clouds never stop at one place. After some time, rays will come to definitely.

Lets connect this Sun example to real life.
Sun is a environment around you and sun rays are opportunities of your life. Sun rays are same for all, opportunities are same for all. But sometimes due to clouds, rays stop. Same like your closed windows of unawareness, ignorance stops you from catching the opportunities. But clouds of sky always moves due to air. So, you can also open windows of unawareness, ignorance by acquiring knowledge. It will definitely help you to catch opportunities and grow with success.         
Have you observed lions in wild sanctuaries?
When there is stepping stone for cubs , if strong cub passes the stepping stone, then mother always wait for weaken one. Her love for both, stronger and weaken, is same. Or we may say, mother loves more to weaken one always.
So, don't worry that you are weak, how can you compete with this world? Mother loves to her children in same manner, even weaken one is loved more than stronger. 

Here mother, sun are parts of this infinite universe. Universe is loving you. You just need to feel that love.

Moral is: "Universe loves you more than what you think. Remove your ignorance, increase your faith towards love of this universe and see your success is near to you."

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Nature as Guru

"Nature is the Guru,
which teaches you from observations and experiences"...Hrc

Guru always gives you examples, stories to learn, to understand thing better.
Nature is a Guru, which is ready with example, just we need good observation skills to learn and manipulate things.

Sun always burns and gives light to whole world.
= If light is knowledge, then one must need to burn like sun (burning= sacrifice comfort zone)  to acquire knowledge and burning of him gives knowledge to everyone of this world.

Moon light-ups at night due to sun rays' penetration on surface of moon.
= Sun is Guru (Source of knowledge) and Moon is Shishya (Seeker of knowledge). Guru's knowledge is like sun rays which penetrates on Shishya. Shishya always needs knowledge's rays to light-ups himself/herself. When shishya becomes lights-up like moon, he/she spreads the knowledge's light to unaware area; same like moon's light, which light-ups darkness of unawareness from earth at night .

The type of Seed which we sow on earth, same time of crop will come out from mother earth.
= In daily life, if we behave good with all (sowing happiness' seed in environment), same reply will come back from all or some times it is more than what we served all; same like, one seed becomes more when we harvest crop.

When air of atmosphere stops then all leaves, branches of tree becomes calm.
= Our body and mind is also same like tree. Branches, leaves of tree are like our body parts and atmospheric air is our mind. When mind becomes stable; our body becomes calm.

Moral is: "Nature is a Guru, which is ready to teach you with examples but it takes fee in the form of time or experience which is nonrefundable."      

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Knowledge, Ego and Confidence

 "True Knowledge +
 free from Ego + 
no fear of Platform=Confidence"...Hrc

Most of the time, we feel confident when we have practice of same which we are going present now.
But is it really like that?

Practice means we have knowledge of that thing due repetition of same.
Due to practice, there are very less chances of happening something wrong and in result; audience will hurt our ego.
Practice makes man perfect and remove his fear of platform.

Example of Magician:
He have knowledge of all magic tricks which he is going to perform.
He knows that, he can connect audience to tricks and in result audience appreciate his tricks and in return will give loud applause.
Magic works well when magician have practice of tricks. Practice removes his stage fare.

Means confidence is:
True knowledge of thing to present.
Ability to accept disrespect of audience, as it is related to our ego.
No fear of platform helps performer to understand environment and audience. He can reply audience's questions very specifically. If his mind is unstable due to stage fear, he can't answer well to audience and little bit confused.

Moral is: "If you have knowledge and acceptance of audience reviews, your stage fear will be lost and confidence resides in you forever"       

Mind and Pleasure

"People think that pleasure comes from external objects,
 but it actually comes from internal mind.
Pleasure always depends on your mental and physical conditions of mind,
 not on external objects"...Hrc
  • Lets think about your favorite song. When that song is played in free time, your mood changes according to song. Means your internal mind is enjoying that song and relates it to the environmental conditions. 
  • But when you are busy in your work, studies, important activities etc. and at that time, if someone plays same song; that time the other person is enjoying song as described in first bullet. But this time your internal mind wants pleasure from another think. It may be, successful completion of work or any thing which will give joy, makes you stress free at this time.
Means in second bullet, internal mind wants another pleasure. This proves that, though the song is external object as said in thought, pleasure acquiring ability comes from internal mind.

Moral is: "Acquiring pleasure is internal think because it depends on mind's mental and physical conditions. External objects may give you joy for some time but to enjoy pleasure of whole life, you must need to understand internal mind."

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Goals and Happiness of Life

"To be happy in every moment is ultimate goal of every one,
 then why people are planning for short term and long term goals;
 I don't know"...Hrc

In life, there are lots of moments where situations make us to decide short term and long term goals. But when we decide our goal, our main aim is to be happy, satisfied after completion of goal. So, the ultimate goal of short term or long goal is be happy in future.

If you decided a goal to have good marks in exam, rewards in company, achievements in tournament etc. And after some time your goal is completed as follows.
  • You got good marks in exam but by cheating in exam. Though your goal is completed, you are not happy due cheating in exam. Your internal mind will makes you sad when you share your score of exam.
  • You are rewarded in company for good performance. But during completion of performance; you faced frustration, faced anger with family, relations. So, though you are rewarded, you are sad when you memories your frustration, anger of bad times.
  • You achieved medal in tournament. But if you need to face distance from family, distance from friends, enjoyment etc. then though you have achievement in hand, you are not happy now due to distance you faced in past. 
So, according to these points, the ultimate goal is to be happy and satisfied at last in future. Means we are setting goal for being happy in future. Think if you have goal to be happy in present ? Life will be changed forever.

Moral is: "Short term or long term goals will not help us if we are sad at last in future. Ultimate goal of life is to be happy all time. Set your goal as to be happy, satisfied in present and life will change forever"

Monday, January 26, 2015

Knowledge, Water, Glass and Active person

"Knowledge=Water; Both are colorless,
 still you can see water in glass and knowledge in active person"...Hrc

Knowledge=Water to understand this please refer "Knowledge, Water and Life" post.

Nature of water-
Water is colorless, you can pour it any pot and water takes shape of that pot.
If water is in glass pot and there is no movement in environment, water becomes so still that you can't see water in that glass pot. But if there is movement, we can easily see water in glass pot.

Nature of knowledge- 
You can't see knowledge of person same like colorless water. If a man acquire knowledge, knowledge represents his personality same like water takes shape of that glass pot. If person don't do any activity related to his knowledge representation, we can't say, that person has some knowledge in that field; same like water in glass pot and no movement in environment. But if person do activities by using his knowledge of particular sector, we can say that person has knowledge; same like water moves in glass pot due to movement in environment.

Moral is: "Your activity represents your knowledge and knowledge shapes your personality. Knowledge is shapeless like water. Your personality is glass pot and knowledge helps you to shape that glass pot."

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mind, Curiosity and Chamber of Secrets

"Plant a tree of curiosity in your mind
 which will help you to unfold chamber of secrets"...Hrc 

What is body?
Human body works on heart beats, heart works on electric pulse in it. Electric pulse helps heart to pump blood well in whole body. We breath in for oxygen and purifies our blood with pure oxygen with the help of heart and other body system. When heart stops, we never need to breath in. Means body is just a human system which works with heart, need some food, oxygen and exercise to work well. Same like a mechanical machine which need fuel and oil to work well.

What is mind?
When you stops your breath, your body may be stiff for some time. In such condition, there are many thoughts which are running in our brain. These thoughts are our single mind. Stopping breath may stops your body but mind is still running. Means, mind is some thing more than body.

What is curiosity?
When you have little clue about a thing, you want to know more about it. This excitement to know more is curiosity. When you have no clue about a thing;  mind never be curious about that thing and your body also don't do any thing to know more.

So, when you want to know more about anything or any person, collect small clues about it. Your mind will be curious about it naturally and you can open chamber of secret related to that thing or person.

Moral is: "Your body is in control of your mind, plant a tree of curiosity in mind and see both, body and mind will work together to open chamber of secrets"