Saturday, January 24, 2015

Past, Present, Future and Life

"Your future depends on present actions, not on past activities..
So, concentrate on present;
not on past which is already gone and
not on future which is yet to come"...Hrc

Many times, people are in doubt of "Whether my future will be safe, happy, satisfied etc?"

Assume that, today is Sunday.

So, observe your today's mood. "Are you happy, satisfied today?"
If you are happy, satisfied today (Sunday), then what you have did yesterday (Saturday); must be good.

If your are not happy today, it means what you want to do on yesterday; it wasn't happened in the way you wanted to be.
Now, consider yourself at yesterday's moment (Saturday).
Saturday is your present for current moment.
The activities you are doing today will decide your mood of tomorrow (Sunday).
Means, concentrate on your present to design your upcoming future.

Moral is: "If you want to feel safe, happy, satisfied etc. tomorrow, you must have to do some thing good today itself. Investing time in thinking tomorrow's plan will not give you anything. So, concentrate on present moment"   

Knowledge, Water and Life

"Knowledge=Water, Water always flow from higher surface to lower one... 
Knowledge also flow from Guru(Teacher) to Shishya(Student), 
but Shishya need to lie down to lower surface to turn knowledge flow towards him/her"...Hrc

The basic principle of water is, it always from higher surface to lower one due to gravitational  force of earth.
Your curiosity to learn more is your gravitational force for knowledge.
The knowledge is also like a water. Guru (Source of knowledge) and Shishya (Seeker of knowledge) also works on same principle of water. Guru is always at higher point of knowledge and if seeker want to acquire knowledge, he/she must have to be at lower point to start the flow of knowledge.

The thing which stops us to acquire knowledge is our ego. Our ego says, "I already know this well", this stops acquisition of knowledge. When we are in ego, we feel, we are at higher level but this is misery and it stops us to learn more.

In other case, when Guru want to learn something from Seeker, Guru puts himself/herself at lower level and naturally Seeker goes on higher and flow of knowledge starts from Seeker to Guru indirectly. 

Moral is: "If you want to know more, want to be aware, you must put yourself at lower level (keep aside your ego) and experience the flow of knowledge in you"

This is very basic principle of life to know more,to learn more and to teach more.