Saturday, February 14, 2015

Work, its Deadline and Happiness

"When we postpone our work or study,
 we feel good for current moment. 
But when time comes to complete work, we feel sad or bad. So, do your work on time"...Hrc

What is work?
Activities which we do at every moment is work. According to "Shrimad Bhagavat Gita" (Wikipedia link), one can't live any moment without work.

Why we postpone our work?
Most of the time we think there will be more time on tomorrow than today. So, we postpone our work. Is it really like that? All days has 24 hours. When we have no plan for tomorrow, we thought there will be more time on tomorrow than today. Still, when we have plan for tomorrow, our priority make us to postpone work for tomorrow.

Many of time people postpone their today's happiness for tomorrow. They think that, they should work today and will enjoy tomorrow in relax mood. Think sincerely with yourself, Is this really work?. We haven't seen tomorrow yet and we don't have control over time. Postponing happiness for tomorrow makes you sad for today and tomorrow has no end because exception of mind are more than what we think, mind's exceptions always change with time. So, never postpone your happiness for tomorrow.

Postpone office work for tomorrow.
When you postpone your daily office work, you may be feeling good and enjoying current moment, but when time comes; you need to complete work in frustration because your important work is urgent work now. When you are enjoying parties or your favorite joy, there is always worry that "can we enjoy same like today in future?". If you complete work today itself, you are free from worry and you can enjoy current moment.    

Postpone your love wish for tomorrow.
When you postpone your love wish for tomorrow, there are always chances to lose loved one. For details about love check out  "Love and its Simplicity". If you postpone your love wish, other person may present his/her wish with loved one. So, always express your love on time to be free from tension of losing some loved one.

Moral is:"Compete your work on time today itself, live your life for today and plan for tomorrow's happiness, joy; don't worry about work."

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