"Goddess Lakshmi sits on Lotus and Goddess Saraswati sits on rock.
Lotus indicates instability and rock indicates stability for every moment"...Hrc
You can find details of both according to Indian Vedas on Wikipedia
Goddess Lakshmi : Lakshmi on Wikipedia
Goddess Saraswati : Saraswti on Wikipedia
Goddess Lakshmi
Lakshmi sits on Lotus. Lotus is flower which is always in river water or lake. Lotus floats on water. If strong air breeze comes, lotus may get disturbed, it may have some movement. Lakshmi sits on lotus and Lakshmi represents money, wealth etc.
Money also have nature like Goddess Lakshmi and lotus.
1) When there comes strong air breeze, lotus have some movement. Same like when you have less or no money with you, situation always disturb you.
2) When there is goddess Lakshmi on lotus, she gives some stability to lotus. Same like, when you have enough money (not excess), that money gives stability to your life. Your life not get distracted by breeze of problems.
3) Lotus is in water. If there is excess weight on lotus, it may be drove into water due to weight. In the same manner, when we store excess money, that money can't help us for a long time, it must have to drove into water one day.
Goddess Saraswati
Saraswati sits on Rock. Rock is on ground, on earth surface. Goddess Saraswati's nature is contradictory to nature of Goddess Lakshmi. Saraswati indicates knowledge, arts etc.
1) When the rock is just on ground, nothing is carved on rock surface, it is useless for society. Same like we are, if we don't carve brain with knowledge, we are useless for this society.
2) Strong air breeze, rain can't affect rock mostly. Same like, if one have knowledge, opposite situations, environment can't affect him/her.
3) We can put lots of weight on rock without affecting its shape and position. In the same manner, acquisition of knowledge; though it is in excess quantity never affects you in negative way. More you acquire knowledge, more you are useful, important for the society; same like carved rock is more valuable than normal one.
Moral is:"Excess saturation of money doesn't help you because excess weight can't be handled by Lotus. More acquisition of knowledge always lighten your personality in society same like carved diamond is more valuable than plain one."
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