Sunday, February 15, 2015

Utilize your Love, Grid and Fear for Success

"Love, Grid, Fear can do anything from you.
 So those who are already in love, grid or fear must have control on them"...Hrc

Every one have love towards someone because love is nature of soul.
To know more about love check out "Love and its Simplicity".
Every one have grid towards something which sets his/her target of day to day life. Grid of desires which he/she want to achieve. This gird helps them to work more, shapes their skills and they move fast on path of success.
Most of the time successful human has fear of something. The businessmen have fear of loss, student of fear of fail, common man fear of expensiveness etc.
Means love, grid and fear are inseparable part of human life.

How should we utilize these for our success?

The spirituality says "Love drives the world". It has infinite power to dissolve everything. The work which is not possible by anger, can be done easily by love. In love, person always achieve more than he/she deserve. When we are in love, we become more transparent, more truthful, committed to loved one. So, if you convert your love in dedication for path of success; success will be near to you.

Grid is power which makes your mind focused for achievement of desires for which we have grid. Unless and until you  haven't achieved the thing, grid for thing rarely stops in your mind. Most of time, grid makes you work more and more to satisfy your mind by achievement of desires. Your skills gets developed more because mind wants desired thing as early as possible. So, if you convert your desire or grid towards success position; success will be near to you in less time.

Fear for something makes you to analyze environment more clearly than that of without fear. People always fear only to those things which they can't understand. Whenever they understand thing, then only they can plan to overcome fear towards that thing. This nature of fear and inability to understand thing (to which they fear) always makes them to create secure environment which can protect them from fear. This secure environment not only protects them from thing (to which they fear) but also improves their ability to create comfort, security not only for them but also for their loved ones. So, if you have fear, hate for failure; this fear makes to create comfort and security for your success and helps you to maintain your success position.         

Moral is:"There are abilities (love, grid and fear) in us. We just need an attitude to convert and use them as per our need."

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