"Don't waste your time in thinking about things
which will never happen in future and already happened in past.
These thoughts output nothing except sorrow"...Hrc
Nature of our mind.
Our mind never wants to stop at one place, on one thought. Mind is always in search of new thoughts. If mind doesn't got anything new, it sticks in old thoughts, but never be at with one thought.
So, when we are in our free time, mind always running with thoughts. Thoughts related to past and future.
Is these thinking of past help us for better result?
We can't change our past. So, thinking about it never output good results, in both cases of good past thoughts and bad past thoughts. Good thoughts makes you happy for same time, but when you realize those days can't come back in present; you get surrounded by sorrow. Bad thoughts of past makes you sad in present moment. So, both good and bad past thoughts can't help you for present moment.
Can planing of future may result good for you?
The true thing of time is, we can't control time. Time is just a unit for our activities to remember them well as per time. When we plan for future? In both case, when present is good or bad. When present is good, we plan for future to make it same like today. When present is bad, we still plan for future to make it good in rest of life.
When we worry about future, we plan for future and in both case of good or bad present moment; worry surrounds us with sorrow. So, thinking, planning about future is also useless.
Why we think on past and worry for future?
We don't want to repeat bad things of past in future. So, we think for past and plan for future. But as explained above, both thinking surrounds you by sorrow, worry and you become sad in present.
Present time is in our control and we are wasting it in thinking for past and future. This thinking outputs nothing for us.
Moral is:"Always be in present moment. You can't change past events and future is not in our hand. So, stop worrying about future. Invest your time in thinking on present moment. This will result good for you"
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