Monday, February 2, 2015

Meditation (Virtual World vs Reality)

"Meditation-connection with supreme soul by controlling mind and body parts"...Hrc

There are many definitions of meditation. Those can help you to understand word "Meditation" and give some hint for process of meditation.

Virtual world vs reality.

Virtual world means which doesn't exist but still it has influence on our mind. If you take virtual world more seriously, this may affect your body.
Reality means which is exist in its true form. Though people try to create world with misery (Artificial satisfaction, comfort), reality never changes. It always come in front of us as we become more and more aware to it.

You close your eyes when you meditate. It creates energy in your body. But when you close your eyes, thoughts start working in your brain and creates virtual world in your mind.
=Example: If you have fear of height; you may see you are at height and going to fall from height. If you have fear for dark; you may see ghosts with closed eyes. These thoughts disturb your mind and you can't concentrate. It results in failure of deep meditation.

How to deal with virtual world?
As mentioned above, virtual world is imagination of our thoughts.When thoughts changes, virtual world also changes. In example of height; you are at height and going to fall from there, this is the imagination of disturbed mind. If you are really at height, why you can't sense gravity then? . In another example of fear darkness; you see ghosts with closed eyes and when you open your eyes, ghost disappears. How to deal with dark? Accept it and think whether ghost have ever touched your body before. No, never. Means ghost is also imaginary object.

You can deal with virtual world by acquiring knowledge of reality and acceptance of thoughts to deal with them.
=Example: In example of fear with height, knowledge is "you can't sense gravity while falling from height" and in case of fear with darkness, knowledge is "ghost never touched you before. Means ghost is in our thoughts,  not in reality".

How to be effortless and go in deep meditation?
When you show complete surrender (same like you do in deep sleep), your body becomes stable and all body parts come in your control. When body is stable, you can focus on your mind. When you have knowledge of reality, virtual world can't disturbs your mind and by practice mind becomes stable. By applying this you can experience deep meditation.

Moral is:"Disturbance of mind can be removed by knowledge of reality which destroys virtual world. When you surrender your body, you mind becomes stable and you can experience love of Divinity"

To know more about mind, refer Mind as River Water and Universe and Its Love for you

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