Monday, January 26, 2015

Knowledge, Water, Glass and Active person

"Knowledge=Water; Both are colorless,
 still you can see water in glass and knowledge in active person"...Hrc

Knowledge=Water to understand this please refer "Knowledge, Water and Life" post.

Nature of water-
Water is colorless, you can pour it any pot and water takes shape of that pot.
If water is in glass pot and there is no movement in environment, water becomes so still that you can't see water in that glass pot. But if there is movement, we can easily see water in glass pot.

Nature of knowledge- 
You can't see knowledge of person same like colorless water. If a man acquire knowledge, knowledge represents his personality same like water takes shape of that glass pot. If person don't do any activity related to his knowledge representation, we can't say, that person has some knowledge in that field; same like water in glass pot and no movement in environment. But if person do activities by using his knowledge of particular sector, we can say that person has knowledge; same like water moves in glass pot due to movement in environment.

Moral is: "Your activity represents your knowledge and knowledge shapes your personality. Knowledge is shapeless like water. Your personality is glass pot and knowledge helps you to shape that glass pot."

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